
We know that through teaching PSHE we give our pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens.

Our bespoke PSHE curriculum includes teaching about physical health, emotional health and mental wellbeing, drug education (including alcohol and tobacco), relationships education (RSE), citizenship, anti-bullying and safety in the environment in an age appropriate way.

We believe that through participating in PSHE, our pupils will become adults who make sensible choices when faced with issues that are part of growing up. We help children to focus on developing social skills such as managing friendships and developing empathy and self-respect. Our teaching encourages pupils to develop positive attitudes and values including an acceptance of diversity and difference.

PSHE is taught in specific lessons but is also fundamental to the whole ethos of Upper Beeding Primary School. The teaching of PSHE can be seen throughout the whole of the school day in every area of school life.

Please find below a link to our PSHE and RSE policy. This policy has been created after consulting the views of the staff, governors, pupils and parents at our school.
PSHE and RSE Information Video for Parents
Have a look at our video for parents which explains what PSHE and RSE are, how they are taught at our school and how all of the elements fit together to make a bespoke learning experience for our children.

PSHE lessons at UBPS
Children In Need fundraising
Each year, Year 5 and 6 children hold a cake and book sale for Children In Need. The whole school get involved wearing yellow clothes, spotty clothes or their best party clothes.
What will my child learn about in Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons?
Have a look at our video which explains the RSE lesson content for Years 2, 4, 5 and 6. This guide explains which lessons a parent may withdraw their child from and those which they cannot.