SEN Information and Disability Report

Upper Beeding SEND Information and Disability Report

In line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014, this document details the provision in place at Upper Beeding Primary School to support children with a Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND). This document is in addition to the school SEND Policy and information found on:

Mrs Sarah Denyer



 1.How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?

In line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014, a child will be identified as having a Disability or Special Educational Needs (SEND) if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or if they have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools, such as access to rooms/areas or equipment used in subjects such as Food Technology, Design Technology and Physical Education.

 Identification of such needs could occur in a variety of ways:

·         Upon starting school, all Early Years children and parents/carers are met in advance of enrolment and members of Upper Beeding Primary School staff will discuss children with staff from the nursery/pre-school they attended, if they did so.

·         If children join the school after Early Years, meetings are held with parents/carers, and Upper Beeding Primary School staff will consult with previous schools to discuss the child.

In both cases, concerns regarding identified or suspected SEN will be discussed with the Upper Beeding Primary School Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).

 If children’s needs become apparent as they move up through the school, class teachers will discuss these with the SENCo, and discussions will be held with the child’s parents/carers. If the child is found to have needs that meet the criteria in the Code of Practice, the child will be listed on the school’s Disability and Special Educational Needs (SEND) Register, and additional provision will be put into place. The SENCo maintains the SEND register and oversees provision. The school’s SEND Register is an internally held document, the aim of which is to ensure that teachers are aware of children’s additional needs. The progress of children on the SEND Register is closely monitored by the school’s Senior Leadership Team and their achievement in assessments at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and tests at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) can be reviewed as a group, e.g. by Ofsted, to ensure that the school’s provision is working for children with additional needs. 

If at any point parents/carers have concerns about their child’s progress or attainment, or suspect the child may have additional needs, they are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss their concerns with the child’s class teacher and/or the SENCo, as appropriate.

2.How will school staff support my child?

Quality first day-to-day teaching and support of children with SEND is managed by their class teacher. The SENCo will oversee this, will maintain the SEND register and will coordinate additional support put into place for a child. Information regarding children’s needs and provision will be recorded on the school Provision Map and in Individual Learning Plans. Children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) will have their needs and provision recorded in accordance with the most recent Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice. Children may receive support from (Higher Level) Teaching Assistants ((HL)TAs), and/or the SENCo. External specialists can also support children as part of their provision. Referrals will be made to external specialists as the school deems appropriate in consultation with parents/carers, though parents/carers are welcome to request referrals.

We have a Governor for SEND, who has responsibility within the reporting process. The school monitors the progress and attainment of children using internal processes such as classroom observation, assessments, test results and discussion with parents/carers.

3.How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

We aim to personalise the curriculum to cater for children’s needs, finding the balance between tasks that are challenging but also achievable. Teaching and tasks are adapted in the classroom setting and interventions such as small group or one-to-one sessions are run. The aim is to provide children with learning opportunities that lead them to make progress at a pace appropriate for them and based on their individual starting point. Please see our SEND Policy for more detail.

4.How will school staff and I know how my child is progressing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

If a child is identified as having SEND, their progress will be closely monitored by their class teacher and the SENCo, as well as through normal monitoring processes (see Teaching and Learning Policy). Progress and attainment will be reported to parents/carers through informal reporting, such as a note in their reading diary, a phone call home or a meeting, and through formal reporting, including the annual report. If a teacher has concerns about a child’s learning they will discuss this with parents/carers and the SENCo as appropriate.

If SEND are identified, parents/carers will be informed and will be invited to meet with the child’s class teacher and the SENCo as appropriate to discuss and plan provision for the child. Parents/carers will also be advised on ways they could help at home, and will be provided with resources where appropriate. Parents/carers are always welcome to arrange a meeting with the class teacher or SENCo to discuss any issues or concerns about work at home. If relevant, the school will run workshops and evening events to help parents/carers further their skills and knowledge in supporting their child’s learning. There are also groups who provide support and information to parents/carers supporting children with additional needs. See the Local Authority Local Offer for more information.

5.What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

The Headteacher, Assistant Headteachers and the SENCo are responsible for the monitoring of pastoral needs and provision across the school, with the class teachers having main responsibility for the pupils in their care. We have a strong PSHE curriculum and pastoral care is an integral part of our school ethos. The school has a dedicated ELSA who supports well-being through daily check-ins, 1:1 sessions to address specific needs and by monitoring / following up children’s entries on ‘Moodly’ (mental health tracking app). All school staff have a responsibility to report to a senior staff member or the SENCo any concerns they may have for a child. We can support children to access a therapist in school where their emotional needs are significant.

6.What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

At Upper Beeding Primary School we have a rich and varied range of experience and expertise in our teaching and support staff, who are trained to support children with many types of SEND, including:

  • Speech, language and communication difficulties
  •  Autistic Spectrum Condition
  •  Physical therapies (if a programme has been provided by an external health specialist)
  • Attachment difficulties

We also have access to many external services, including:

➢     ·         Social Communication / Behaviour / Learning Inclusion and Sensory Support Teams

➢     ·         School Nurses Service

➢     ·         Speech, Language and Communication Therapy Service

➢               Traveller Support

➢     ·         Family Support Worker Services / Early Help

➢     ·         Social Care Services

➢     ·         SEND Information and Advice Service

➢     ·         Educational Psychology Service

➢     ·         The Child Development Centre (NHS – Worthing Hospital)

➢               CAMHS

➢     ·         Play Therapy Services

 7.What training is available to staff supporting children and young people with SEND?

Teaching and support staff receive regular training through our scheduled programme of In-Service Training (INSET) and meetings in school time, as well as identified online courses and webinars. There are also various opportunities to attend external courses which cover many aspects of SEND teaching and Learning. Internal training is provided by the SENCo and any staff who have experience or training in specific aspects of SEND such as speech and language development. External trainers also provide specialist input, encompassing areas such as social communication difficulties (including Autistic Spectrum Condition) and attachment disorders. In addition, external professionals can provide individual training on specific programmes. 

8.How will children with SEND be supported in accessing trips and other in-school activities, such as visitors and workshops?

Upper Beeding Primary School staff will always use their best endeavours to ensure that trips are fully accessible to children with SEND. We will seek to make reasonable adjustments to trips and activities where required. This may include asking parents/carers to assist on a trip, or preparing alternative routes or opportunities in order that children can access the same learning as their peers.

The Assistant Headteachers, SENCo, class teacher and TAs will liaise together as required and with parents/carers in the planning of additional support and provision for activities outside the classroom. Where required, a risk assessment will be completed to ensure provision is appropriate. 

9.How accessible is the school environment?

All areas of the building and outside areas are wheelchair accessible. Parents/carers of children with physical disabilities are encouraged to visit the school and discuss their child’s needs in detail with the Headteacher in advance of enrolment.

We are able to access support for children and parents/carers for whom English is an additional language from the West Sussex Ethnic Minority Achievement Team (EMTAS) and through local interpreter and translation services. 

10.How will the school prepare and support my child when joining the school and when transferring to a new school?

If children are joining us in the Early Years, Upper Beeding Primary School staff will meet with parents/carers and, if children have attended nursery or pre-school, staff from those settings, to discuss any concerns and arrangements for transition. Children joining Upper Beeding Primary School in any year group will be welcome to visit the school to familiarise themselves with the environment and meet key staff. Where appropriate, they will also be provided with key information, such as staff photographs and a list of routines of the day.

We have a successful transition programme to prepare children for the move into a new year- group, including taster sessions and open evenings for parents/carers. Children with Autistic Spectrum Condition, or particular difficulties with change, will be provided with additional resources for starting school, moving to a new year group or moving on to Secondary School. These include additional visits, “Moving On” packs or “Pupil Passports” which contain photographs of key staff members and key parts of the new building or area. We also run social skills and/or nurture groups to support children we identify as vulnerable during transitions.

Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan will have an Annual Review in year 5 attended by the secondary school SENCo, to allow ample time for transition planning and where appropriate, to consider suitable alternative settings for Year 7.  

11.How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s Special Educational Needs?

The school budget for SEND is calculated by the Local Authority and is allocated by the school in accordance with the needs of the children on roll. This budget is carefully monitored and the spending is adapted according to the changing needs of the children across the whole school. The allocation is decided by the Senior Leadership Team, in collaboration with the SENCo.

12.How is the decision made about what type of and how much support my child will receive?

The type and amount of support a child receives will be dependent on their individual needs at any given time, and will be re-assessed continually by the class teacher and the SENCo. Consideration is given to their rate of progress, their attainment and their general wellbeing. Support for children will be discussed with parents/carers as required. Where appropriate in terms of age and personal development, children will also be involved in the decision-making process, e.g. through meetings with their class teachers and/or the SEND team.

13.How are parents/carers involved in the school and how can I become involved?

At Upper Beeding Primary School we welcome parents/carers to be involved in all aspects of school life, including coming into school to hear children read, helping at events such as the Summer Fete or by becoming a school Governor. Parents/carers are encouraged to join our Friends of Upper Beeding team (FUBS), who organise and run fundraising events. We encourage parents/carers to participate in decision-making where appropriate and parents/carers have the opportunity to ask questions and contribute their views at any time, through our Governors or in person.

If a parent has a concern about the SEND support the school is providing, we would encourage all parents to discuss this with the SENCo and / or Headteacher. If the concerns are not resolved please follow our complaints procedure found in the Policies section of the website.

14.Who can I contact for further information?

For children already in school, the class teacher is the first point of contact regarding SEND, though the SENCo is also available to meet with parents/carers. If your child is due to join the school, the SENCo or the Headteacher would be your first point of contact.

For more information, please visit our school website. Useful documents available there include:

·         SEND Policy

·         Teaching and Learning Policy

·         Good Behaviour Policy

The West Sussex Local Authority Local Offer (which signposts to many support agencies) is accessible via the following link: 

15. How will a child with SEND be supported with remote learning?

Please read the remote learning attachment, which summarises how as a school will support remote learning. We will review each child individually to ensure where possible, learning needs are being supported.

16.What do I do if I am not happy or if I want to complain?

Talk to us – contact your child’s class teacher about your concerns initially. Each member of staff has a school email address which can be found on the school website. The next point of contact is the phase leader. The next point of contact if related to SEND is the SENCo. Lastly, the Headteacher, whose email address can be found on the school website. Appointments can be arranged in person, by phone or by email. Please see the school contact details on the Contact page. If you are unsure who you should speak to, please go to the office and they can point you in the right direction. You can also view our complaints policy on our school website.

November 2024